Name Waiver priority Faab balance Number of moves Number of trades Has clinched playoffs Points for Points against Rank Wins Losses Ties Mean Std dev
Bunsen burners 6 0 0 false 145.13 129.09 1 1 0 0 145 0
For Goodness Saq 12 1 0 false 131.41 86.72 2 1 0 0 131 0
Hammer of Thor 11 0 0 false 113.57 78.91 3 1 0 0 114 0
Swoop'n Ahead of You 4 0 0 false 112.87 94.29 4 1 0 0 113 0
Zamunda is fictional 8 4 0 false 109.46 73.27 5 1 0 0 109 0
As Far As The Eye Kelce 7 0 0 false 94.55 89.88 6 1 0 0 95 0
1.21 Gigawatts 2 0 0 false 129.09 145.13 7 0 1 0 129 0
Laces out 3 0 0 false 94.29 112.87 8 0 1 0 94 0
Still TBD 1 2 0 false 89.88 94.55 9 0 1 0 90 0
Philly Philly 5 0 0 false 86.72 131.41 10 0 1 0 87 0
Super Bowl Super Browns 10 1 0 false 78.91 113.57 11 0 1 0 79 0
Fantasy Goddess 9 0 0 false 73.27 109.46 12 0 1 0 73 0
Name Week Opponent Points Projected Points Points - Projected
Hammer of Thor 1 Super Bowl Super Browns 113.57 121.52 -7.95
Super Bowl Super Browns 1 Hammer of Thor 78.91 127.65 -48.74
1.21 Gigawatts 1 Bunsen burners 129.09 114.53 14.56
Bunsen burners 1 1.21 Gigawatts 145.13 115.86 29.27
For Goodness Saq 1 Philly Philly 131.41 108.03 23.38
Philly Philly 1 For Goodness Saq 86.72 116.08 -29.36
Still TBD 1 As Far As The Eye Kelce 89.88 117.86 -27.98
As Far As The Eye Kelce 1 Still TBD 94.55 106.77 -12.22
Swoop'n Ahead of You 1 Laces out 112.87 120.55 -7.68
Laces out 1 Swoop'n Ahead of You 94.29 118.77 -24.48
Zamunda is fictional 1 Fantasy Goddess 109.46 116.51 -7.05
Fantasy Goddess 1 Zamunda is fictional 73.27 122.73 -49.46

Past seasons: