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Elevation Fantasy East (2023)
Last synced 11 months ago.
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Week 1
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Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Weekly Stats for week 7
AschnicleAbicle vs Swift Kelceās Brandits
Matchup: Highest Projected point total 198.09
Valentina's Glorious Team vs Jennifer's Agreeable Team
Jennifer's Agreeable Team: Lowest Projection difference -23.38
She's The Man vs Fully Utilized
Matchup: Highest Point difference 114.48
Matchup: Highest Point total 212.48
Matchup: Highest Projected point difference 48.48
She's The Man: Lowest Points 49.0
She's The Man: Lowest Projected 61.51
Fully Utilized: Highest Points 163.48
Fully Utilized: Highest Projected 109.99
Fully Utilized: Highest Projection difference 53.49
Lisas niners vs Red Zone Rulers
Rushin Down a Dream vs Post Mahomes
Morgan's End Zone Enforcers vs Prestige Worldwide
Matchup: Lowest Point difference 3.4
Matchup: Lowest Point total 133.4
Matchup: Lowest Projected point difference 2.99
Matchup: Lowest Projected point total 152.29