Name | Waiver priority | Faab balance | Number of moves | Number of trades | Has clinched playoffs | Points for | Points against | Rank | Wins | Losses | Ties | Mean | Std dev |
Chasing the big D | 5 | 20 | 0 | false | 1612.08 | 1459.84 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 147 | 27 | |
Lick My Sack | 7 | 14 | 0 | false | 1579.3 | 1515.1 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 144 | 24 | |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 10 | 32 | 0 | false | 1501.46 | 1340.84 | 3 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 136 | 24 | |
The Penetrators | 2 | 16 | 0 | false | 1452.64 | 1389.6 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 0 | 132 | 17 | |
george's Super Team | 3 | 4 | 0 | false | 1505.64 | 1484.02 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 0 | 137 | 26 | |
Hold My Vick | 9 | 18 | 2 | false | 1596.98 | 1609.04 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 0 | 145 | 31 | |
Low Call Bread | 8 | 20 | 0 | false | 1501.84 | 1508.42 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 0 | 137 | 23 | |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 4 | 14 | 1 | false | 1572.56 | 1561.4 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 143 | 37 | |
Howelling Commandos | 6 | 20 | 1 | false | 1518.88 | 1485.34 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 138 | 30 | |
henry's Legit Team | 1 | 0 | 0 | false | 1133.06 | 1620.84 | 10 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 103 | 25 |
Name | Week | Opponent | Points | Projected Points | Points - Projected |
Low Call Bread | 1 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 98.54 | 122.74 | -24.2 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 1 | Low Call Bread | 164.04 | 129.0 | 35.04 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 1 | Howelling Commandos | 91.98 | 138.04 | -46.06 |
Howelling Commandos | 1 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 93.2 | 133.31 | -40.11 |
The Penetrators | 1 | Lick My Sack | 101.16 | 130.48 | -29.32 |
Lick My Sack | 1 | The Penetrators | 112.74 | 133.12 | -20.38 |
Chasing the big D | 1 | henry's Legit Team | 144.56 | 136.21 | 8.35 |
henry's Legit Team | 1 | Chasing the big D | 84.24 | 119.99 | -35.75 |
george's Super Team | 1 | Hold My Vick | 171.7 | 141.52 | 30.18 |
Hold My Vick | 1 | george's Super Team | 123.12 | 133.11 | -9.99 |
Low Call Bread | 2 | Hold My Vick | 153.34 | 132.38 | 20.96 |
Hold My Vick | 2 | Low Call Bread | 156.84 | 134.87 | 21.97 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 2 | Lick My Sack | 142.28 | 138.09 | 4.19 |
Lick My Sack | 2 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 114.16 | 136.14 | -21.98 |
The Penetrators | 2 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 114.78 | 123.71 | -8.93 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 2 | The Penetrators | 110.5 | 120.32 | -9.82 |
Chasing the big D | 2 | Howelling Commandos | 176.1 | 147.21 | 28.89 |
Howelling Commandos | 2 | Chasing the big D | 153.36 | 129.39 | 23.97 |
george's Super Team | 2 | henry's Legit Team | 121.72 | 120.12 | 1.6 |
henry's Legit Team | 2 | george's Super Team | 125.94 | 125.92 | 0.02 |
Low Call Bread | 3 | henry's Legit Team | 161.46 | 130.51 | 30.95 |
henry's Legit Team | 3 | Low Call Bread | 131.86 | 107.61 | 24.25 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 3 | Chasing the big D | 141.06 | 133.16 | 7.9 |
Chasing the big D | 3 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 188.46 | 142.66 | 45.8 |
The Penetrators | 3 | Hold My Vick | 132.18 | 132.13 | 0.05 |
Hold My Vick | 3 | The Penetrators | 116.8 | 135.26 | -18.46 |
Lick My Sack | 3 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 174.92 | 130.22 | 44.7 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 3 | Lick My Sack | 166.38 | 132.22 | 34.16 |
george's Super Team | 3 | Howelling Commandos | 98.78 | 105.92 | -7.14 |
Howelling Commandos | 3 | george's Super Team | 183.78 | 132.39 | 51.39 |
Low Call Bread | 4 | Howelling Commandos | 139.74 | 135.51 | 4.23 |
Howelling Commandos | 4 | Low Call Bread | 135.26 | 134.04 | 1.22 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 4 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 129.9 | 127.76 | 2.14 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 4 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 66.92 | 117.79 | -50.87 |
The Penetrators | 4 | henry's Legit Team | 159.34 | 135.54 | 23.8 |
henry's Legit Team | 4 | The Penetrators | 105.48 | 102.92 | 2.56 |
Lick My Sack | 4 | Hold My Vick | 158.1 | 137.82 | 20.28 |
Hold My Vick | 4 | Lick My Sack | 198.62 | 139.1 | 59.52 |
george's Super Team | 4 | Chasing the big D | 143.96 | 115.18 | 28.78 |
Chasing the big D | 4 | george's Super Team | 132.08 | 149.77 | -17.69 |
Low Call Bread | 5 | Chasing the big D | 165.48 | 136.02 | 29.46 |
Chasing the big D | 5 | Low Call Bread | 119.26 | 129.53 | -10.27 |
george's Super Team | 5 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 99.12 | 116.78 | -17.66 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 5 | george's Super Team | 118.62 | 114.2 | 4.42 |
The Penetrators | 5 | Howelling Commandos | 127.24 | 134.07 | -6.83 |
Howelling Commandos | 5 | The Penetrators | 110.46 | 133.9 | -23.44 |
Lick My Sack | 5 | henry's Legit Team | 140.56 | 129.45 | 11.11 |
henry's Legit Team | 5 | Lick My Sack | 79.38 | 97.12 | -17.74 |
Hold My Vick | 5 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 178.48 | 136.31 | 42.17 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 5 | Hold My Vick | 212.84 | 123.28 | 89.56 |
Low Call Bread | 6 | george's Super Team | 113.72 | 149.79 | -36.07 |
george's Super Team | 6 | Low Call Bread | 130.5 | 140.34 | -9.84 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 6 | Hold My Vick | 113.9 | 133.14 | -19.24 |
Hold My Vick | 6 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 123.2 | 144.99 | -21.79 |
The Penetrators | 6 | Chasing the big D | 126.82 | 126.51 | 0.31 |
Chasing the big D | 6 | The Penetrators | 138.88 | 143.26 | -4.38 |
Lick My Sack | 6 | Howelling Commandos | 141.76 | 139.75 | 2.01 |
Howelling Commandos | 6 | Lick My Sack | 117.14 | 131.43 | -14.29 |
henry's Legit Team | 6 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 118.74 | 116.78 | 1.96 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 6 | henry's Legit Team | 134.74 | 131.13 | 3.61 |
Low Call Bread | 7 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 159.4 | 135.1 | 24.3 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 7 | Low Call Bread | 129.46 | 111.05 | 18.41 |
george's Super Team | 7 | The Penetrators | 130.66 | 138.67 | -8.01 |
The Penetrators | 7 | george's Super Team | 140.58 | 123.77 | 16.81 |
Lick My Sack | 7 | Chasing the big D | 177.5 | 124.7 | 52.8 |
Chasing the big D | 7 | Lick My Sack | 102.86 | 117.93 | -15.07 |
henry's Legit Team | 7 | Hold My Vick | 79.66 | 90.33 | -10.67 |
Hold My Vick | 7 | henry's Legit Team | 159.28 | 136.71 | 22.57 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 7 | Howelling Commandos | 161.76 | 125.03 | 36.73 |
Howelling Commandos | 7 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 169.02 | 126.79 | 42.23 |
Low Call Bread | 8 | The Penetrators | 113.38 | 144.05 | -30.67 |
The Penetrators | 8 | Low Call Bread | 153.18 | 140.87 | 12.31 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 8 | henry's Legit Team | 146.32 | 124.32 | 22.0 |
henry's Legit Team | 8 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 104.58 | 113.2 | -8.62 |
george's Super Team | 8 | Lick My Sack | 183.06 | 140.57 | 42.49 |
Lick My Sack | 8 | george's Super Team | 152.46 | 136.76 | 15.7 |
Chasing the big D | 8 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 152.22 | 138.62 | 13.6 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 8 | Chasing the big D | 136.0 | 141.83 | -5.83 |
Hold My Vick | 8 | Howelling Commandos | 180.0 | 139.8 | 40.2 |
Howelling Commandos | 8 | Hold My Vick | 164.36 | 134.29 | 30.07 |
Low Call Bread | 9 | Lick My Sack | 119.16 | 137.95 | -18.79 |
Lick My Sack | 9 | Low Call Bread | 134.52 | 128.16 | 6.36 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 9 | The Penetrators | 142.62 | 122.13 | 20.49 |
The Penetrators | 9 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 121.98 | 130.39 | -8.41 |
Chasing the big D | 9 | Hold My Vick | 134.54 | 126.44 | 8.1 |
Hold My Vick | 9 | Chasing the big D | 128.38 | 127.55 | 0.83 |
henry's Legit Team | 9 | Howelling Commandos | 59.4 | 67.66 | -8.26 |
Howelling Commandos | 9 | henry's Legit Team | 132.14 | 115.48 | 16.66 |
george's Super Team | 9 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 140.68 | 117.61 | 23.07 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 9 | george's Super Team | 130.8 | 138.28 | -7.48 |
Low Call Bread | 10 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 137.86 | 126.67 | 11.19 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 10 | Low Call Bread | 142.58 | 118.49 | 24.09 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 10 | Howelling Commandos | 169.38 | 119.62 | 49.76 |
Howelling Commandos | 10 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 159.32 | 112.87 | 46.45 |
The Penetrators | 10 | Lick My Sack | 129.12 | 127.73 | 1.39 |
Lick My Sack | 10 | The Penetrators | 162.08 | 137.34 | 24.74 |
Chasing the big D | 10 | henry's Legit Team | 183.92 | 134.52 | 49.4 |
henry's Legit Team | 10 | Chasing the big D | 102.2 | 114.17 | -11.97 |
george's Super Team | 10 | Hold My Vick | 148.66 | 145.69 | 2.97 |
Hold My Vick | 10 | george's Super Team | 121.34 | 137.36 | -16.02 |
Low Call Bread | 11 | Hold My Vick | 139.76 | 136.38 | 3.38 |
Hold My Vick | 11 | Low Call Bread | 110.92 | 134.82 | -23.9 |
Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 11 | Lick My Sack | 175.94 | 130.0 | 45.94 |
Lick My Sack | 11 | Bill Cosby’s Sleepers | 110.5 | 129.87 | -19.37 |
The Penetrators | 11 | Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 146.26 | 119.38 | 26.88 |
Gregg's Phenomenal Team | 11 | The Penetrators | 146.0 | 129.45 | 16.55 |
Chasing the big D | 11 | Howelling Commandos | 139.2 | 133.52 | 5.68 |
Howelling Commandos | 11 | Chasing the big D | 100.84 | 134.51 | -33.67 |
george's Super Team | 11 | henry's Legit Team | 136.8 | 154.59 | -17.79 |
henry's Legit Team | 11 | george's Super Team | 141.58 | 89.09 | 52.49 |