Name Waiver priority Faab balance Number of moves Number of trades Has clinched playoffs Points for Points against Rank Wins Losses Ties Mean Std dev
#justhereforthering 10 100 0 0 false 231.8 114.9 1 1 0 0 232 0
Maris Otters 9 100 0 0 false 181.26 168.03 2 1 0 0 181 0
My Neighbor Tagovailoa 8 100 2 0 false 159.65 152.46 3 1 0 0 160 0
NOT TO STYLE 3.62/5 7 97 3 0 false 154.72 120.54 4 1 0 0 155 0
Barrel Aged Brawlers 6 82 2 0 false 152.07 91.29 5 1 0 0 152 0
Crumbling Castle 5 88 3 0 false 168.03 181.26 6 0 1 0 168 0
Brady Gaga 4 100 0 0 false 152.46 159.65 7 0 1 0 152 0
The Hypebucket 3 100 2 0 false 120.54 154.72 8 0 1 0 121 0
Tortfeasors 2 84 2 0 false 114.9 231.8 9 0 1 0 115 0
Zero Dark Lambic 1 100 1 0 false 91.29 152.07 10 0 1 0 91 0
Name Week Opponent Points Projected Points Points - Projected
The Hypebucket 1 NOT TO STYLE 3.62/5 120.54 161.84 -41.3
NOT TO STYLE 3.62/5 1 The Hypebucket 154.72 163.78 -9.06
#justhereforthering 1 Tortfeasors 231.8 154.55 77.25
Tortfeasors 1 #justhereforthering 114.9 151.63 -36.73
Zero Dark Lambic 1 Barrel Aged Brawlers 91.29 153.38 -62.09
Barrel Aged Brawlers 1 Zero Dark Lambic 152.07 157.03 -4.96
Brady Gaga 1 My Neighbor Tagovailoa 152.46 158.55 -6.09
My Neighbor Tagovailoa 1 Brady Gaga 159.65 154.99 4.66
Crumbling Castle 1 Maris Otters 168.03 151.44 16.59
Maris Otters 1 Crumbling Castle 181.26 155.76 25.5

Past seasons: