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So Fantasy League (2023)
Last synced about 1 year ago.
League Stats
Weekly Stats
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Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Weekly Stats for week 5
Gigon Hunters vs The WOP
Matchup: Highest Point difference 94.44
Matchup: Highest Point total 253.88
Matchup: Highest Projected point difference 13.78
Matchup: Highest Projected point total 229.54
Gigon Hunters: Lowest Points 79.72
Gigon Hunters: Highest Projected 121.66
Gigon Hunters: Lowest Projection difference -41.94
The WOP: Highest Points 174.16
The WOP: Highest Projection difference 66.28
Rodgers perc dealer vs LJ
Matchup: Lowest Projected point difference 0.54
Matchup: Lowest Projected point total 202.66
LJ: Lowest Projected 101.06
GrandiSqualiBianchi vs Me and Mahomies
System Commissioner vs Beats by Ray
Bend Don’t Break vs The Samsquamnchs
Matchup: Lowest Point difference 3.22
Matchup: Lowest Point total 198.34