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SMES FTC Football (2023)
Last synced about 1 year ago.
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Week 1
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Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Weekly Stats for week 11
**CountryClubBoys** vs The Vick Family
Matchup: Highest Point total 248.94
Matchup: Lowest Projected point total 204.09
**CountryClubBoys**: Lowest Projected 94.8
**CountryClubBoys**: Highest Projection difference 48.78
xXx69BmXmOtO909xXx vs Master Chief's COCOs w/💍💍
Dumpster behind Arbys vs TAILPAD CHECKERS
Matchup: Lowest Point difference 5.2
Matchup: Lowest Point total 203.08
The Dirty Germans vs Fudge Packers
Matchup: Lowest Projected point difference 7.66
⚡️dick butt⚡️ vs Straight Right Mixon
Matchup: Highest Point difference 59.18
Matchup: Highest Projected point total 243.57
⚡️dick butt⚡️: Lowest Points 89.08
⚡️dick butt⚡️: Lowest Projection difference -26.82
Straight Right Mixon: Highest Points 148.26
Straight Right Mixon: Highest Projected 127.67
**Kickin Aint Easy** vs IronDong
Matchup: Highest Projected point difference 25.39