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SMES FTC Football (2023)
Last synced 11 months ago.
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Week 6
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Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Weekly Stats for week 6
**Kickin Aint Easy** vs The Dirty Germans
Matchup: Highest Point total 300.84
Matchup: Lowest Projected point difference 1.1
Matchup: Highest Projected point total 249.76
**Kickin Aint Easy**: Highest Points 158.4
**Kickin Aint Easy**: Highest Projected 125.43
**Kickin Aint Easy**: Highest Projection difference 32.97
xXx69BmXmOtO909xXx vs IronDong
Master Chief's COCOs w/💍💍 vs TAILPAD CHECKERS
Straight Right Mixon vs The Vick Family
Matchup: Highest Point difference 33.66
⚡️dick butt⚡️ vs Dumpster behind Arbys
Matchup: Highest Projected point difference 22.05
Matchup: Lowest Projected point total 210.87
Dumpster behind Arbys: Lowest Projected 94.41
**CountryClubBoys** vs Fudge Packers
Matchup: Lowest Point difference 11.94
Matchup: Lowest Point total 180.42
**CountryClubBoys**: Lowest Points 84.24
**CountryClubBoys**: Lowest Projection difference -40.48